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Kansas Wesleyan University

Bring Fusion to Your Music Education

The KWU Department of Music believes that teaching 21st 世纪音乐家应该包括各种音乐风格和流派的融合, 再加上学生们在建立自己的职业生涯时的指导.

在我们努力创造21世纪的同时,融合的前瞻性概念是我们教学理念的核心st century music educator, performer, and advocate of music.

The Department of Music offers the Fusion of:

  • 为音乐专业和非专业学生提供充满活力的表演体验.
  • 才华横溢的教师,其背景反映了不同的教学风格, performance experiences, and musical interests.
  • 创造性的音乐创作活动,如即兴创作和作曲是我们课程的组成部分.
  • KWU合奏团的演出与萨利纳当地的艺术社区有着紧密的联系, including the Salina Symphony and Salina Community Theatre.
  • 麦克莫斯利奖学金竞赛提供慷慨奖学金的机会.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statements

DEI对堪萨斯卫斯理的愿景是促进平等、包容的多元化文化, 诚信和合作,加深理解,拥抱跨文化和全球 experiences for students, faculty and staff.

Music Department
九大音乐系崇尚多元、公平及包容的环境 is vital for academic excellence and musical artistry. Through the ideals of inclusivity, all 欢迎在学术和音乐方面体验丰富多样的音乐体验 performance settings. The Department of Music commits to developing and sustaining 培养系、科、系的教育使命的实践 university.

Updated September 2023

Ensemble Opportunities

Students can participate in these groups!

Winds and Percussion

  • Wind Ensemble
  • The Howl of Kansas Wesleyan Pep Band
  • Jazz Ensemble
  • Percussion Ensemble


  • Philharmonic Choir
  • Wesleyan Chorale


  • KWU String Orchestra

Hands-On Learning in the Community

Through partnerships with several community organizations, 我校为学生提供了许多与专业音乐家一起排练和演出的机会.

Salina Symphony Orchestra

所有主修弦乐的学生都被邀请参加在萨利纳地区交响乐团演出的试镜,并了解其运作. 管乐/打击乐专业的学生可根据空缺名额邀请. 学生可能有机会协助萨利纳青年交响乐团和青年合唱团的导演参加排练, sitting in with the younger players, leading sectionals and providing private lessons. 这为公立学校之外的小学到高中学生提供了独特的实践教学经验.

Theatre Salina

千亿国际登录有与全国知名的萨利纳剧院合作的历史,每年都会上演一部大型音乐剧. This partnership includes students, faculty, and community members in the cast, crew, and pit orchestra. Unique among universities in the area, 我们与萨利纳剧院的合作伙伴关系让学生有机会体验高质量的戏剧作品,而无需前往萨利纳以外的地方.

Off-Campus Performances

我们周围社区的紧密联系也使学生能够在社区音乐会中表演, local churches, and even regional tours. The ensembles at KWU have gone on tours statewide, regionally, 甚至在国际上,我们对这些机会的继续和扩大感到兴奋. Most recently, the choirs toured the Southwest region; in the past, 他们甚至在欧洲甚至中国进行了国际旅行!

Students Teaching Students



与社区的紧密联系也使学生能够在音乐剧和歌剧作品中表演, community concerts, and local or regional tours. 千亿国际登录爱乐合唱团和其精选的声音合奏, the Wesleyan Chorale, tour regionally, nationally, and internationally (every four years). 过去的巡演包括中国、加利福尼亚、英国、捷克共和国、奥地利和匈牙利.

Department of Music Information

Mission Statement


  • A theoretical understanding of the musical language
  • The art of performance
  • The spiritual role music plays, individually and culturally

Ensemble Opportunities

Winds & Percussion

Wind Ensemble

大鼓管乐团致力于演奏最优质的管乐团作品, both old and new! This ensemble performs one to two concerts per semester, in addition to hosting honor band festivals, performing at university and community functions, and going on regional tours. Working in collaboration with the KWU String Orchestra, 该团体的部分成员将加入乐团,在音乐会上演奏完整的乐团作品.

The Howl of Kansas Wesleyan Pep Band

The Howl is Kansas Wesleyan’s athletic band! Performing at athletic events with all new instruments, new instruments and a new look, this is an exciting group that we are building into the 21st century marching band. 如果你想要一个高能量的乐团和一些不同于传统的游行乐队, this is the group for you.

Jazz Ensemble

KWU爵士乐团是一个专注于爵士技术和曲目的精选乐团. 爵士乐团忙于准备音乐会、节日和社区活动.

Percussion Ensemble



Philharmonic Choir

The Philharmonic Choir is the larger concert choir at KWU. The membership is open to any KWU students, and the ensemble has students in all areas of academic studies. 这个团体每年春天在地区或全国巡回演出,演奏从古典到当代的各种音乐. Also, the group tours internationally every four years. The past spring tours include: Tour of China in 2006, California in 2008, England in 2010, and Czech Republic-Austria-Hungary in 2014.

Wesleyan Chorale

The Wesleyan Chorale is a select vocal ensemble of 24 students. 这个团体的试镜每年秋天举行,成员资格是基于一年的承诺. 整个学年,乐团在校园内外的各种场所表演和娱乐.


String Orchestra

古武弦乐团演奏来自不同媒介的文学作品. The ensemble is highly active in the community and region.

近年来,KWU SO获得了州和国家的认可. In 2017, 该乐团在项目历史上首次被选中在堪萨斯州音乐教育家协会在职研讨会上演出,并于2019年重返KMEA. 该乐团作为2017-2018年恩斯特·培根美国音乐最佳表演奖的决赛入围者,荣获“美国奖”. The KWU SO enjoys a unique partnership with The Salina Symphony, which, via audition, 为提高管弦乐队成员的弦乐/室内乐体验提供了一个完整的管弦乐队.

For more information, please contact Dr. Leonardo Rosario at [email protected].

Music Studio and Facilities

九大校园内设有音乐系常用的各种设施. These facilities began a complete renovation in late 2022, with the Applequist Family Music Center opening in Oct. 2023. Click the link below to read more!

Sams Chapel